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Revitalizing Elders Houses - Repair Program Update


Oki Siksika Elders

The Elder Repair program is about to begin, so we are providing this update to you on what is happening over the next few weeks. We are waiting for the repair schedule to be provided by Westcor Construction, the repair partner who is in charge of the program. Over the next two weeks, team members from Westcor will tour some of the homes to get a sense of the required repairs. Then, a detailed repair schedule will be provided to the Nation around November 24th. When the schedule is received, we will provide you with an update on when repairs to your home are expected. This program will be going on for several months.

Our tenant relations officers Dean Many Guns, and Leanne Healy will help support the Westcor Construction team and let you know about updates on the schedule to repair your home.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to housing and ask to speak with a tenant relations officer to get updates at 403 734 5200.

Thank you


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